Our Staff

Pastor Mike Frazier

Pastor Mike Frazier was born in Japan to missionary parents. He was saved and baptized at the age of 7 and felt the call of God to preach at age 12. He graduated from Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga, Tennessee where he met his wife, Rachel Shumpert, who is also a graduate of TTU. They were married in 1987. Mike pastored the Stanley Heights Baptist Church in East Ridge, Tennessee for 8 years. In January 1999, Mike began his ministry as the Senior Pastor of Canton Baptist in Canton, Ohio. Mike and Rachel have three adult children – Lauren, Justin and Connor, and two grandsons, Cooper and Wyatt.

Leadership Team

Jake Tovissi
Pastoral Care Pastor
Bob Hutton
Missions Director
Josh Vick
Outreach Director
Trent Dibell
Camp CHOF & College Director
Robert Hagy
Operations Director
Robert Ballard
Minister of Music
Lewis McClendon
Adult Bible Fellowships Director
Kelli Fisher
Children’s Ministry Director
Luke Akers
Sports Director

Support Staff

Sheila Hagy
Senior Pastor’s Secretary
Katie Hagy
Finance & Music Secretary
Brianna Klink
Camp CHOF & Publications Secretary
Debbie Cardwell
Children’s Ministry Secretary
Teri Galica
Pastoral Care Secretary & Receptionist (Part-time)
Janice Voina
Pastoral Care Secretary & Receptionist (Part-time)
Barb Harwell
Outreach &
Sports Secretary
Logan Klick
Logan Klick
Student Ministry/Communication Director
Andy VanVolkenburg
Facilities Superintendent
Andy Morgan
Andy Morgan
Camp CHOF Caretaker
Mike Fisher
Security & Meal Coordinator

Welcome to Canton Baptist Temple
